
How It Works

It is as easy as 1, 2, Stream!

Funeral stream gives you the ability to manage and host all your services on your website.


Create an account

Create an account and setup your profile.


Embed it on your website

Have all your services show your own website.


Start Streaming

Create services and start streaming.

How it works

Your Website

Funeral Stream is the engine room for the obituary section of your website, bringing together online memorials, tributes, and livestreaming. With a simple, elegant user interface, your funeral directors can easily create memorial pages for your website. But not just your website…


Funeral Stream’s strength lies in its users.  The platform provides a central source of funeral information that is curated and maintained by funeral homes – so the information is accurate.  Always.  Plus, with all users having membership to a recognised professional body, the public can trust the details are managed at the direction of the families being served by a funeral home that works to a defined set of standards.  You, the funeral home, is the gatekeeper for this important information.

Staff project
Couple watching stream

(*counter only appears when there are more than two connections)


Funeral Stream then provides the aggregated service/obituary information to third parties such as membership bodies or print/online media for wider distribution.  However, the “all roads lead to Rome” philosophy applies.  Regardless of where a tribute page is displayed, all tributes are left in the same place - which you have control of through your account, allowing you to manage and ensure your families receive ALL messages of condolence.

Streaming Platform

Our streaming platform means your funerals are streamed directly to the tribute page on your website.  The recorded service is then available to watch back or download for safe keeping.  Additional features include live chat for those watching, live sub-titles for the hard of hearing and a live “sharing this service with you” graphic that reminds all who are watching that they are not watching alone*.